
2013年4月3日—MagnetowasbornMaxEisenhardtsometimeinthelate1920stoamiddleclassGermanJewishfamilywhosefather,JakobEisenhardt,wasahighly ...,Magneto(/mæɡˈniːtoʊ/;birthname:MaxEisenhardt;alias:ErikLehnsherrandMagnus)isacharacterappearinginAmericancomicbookspublished ...,Hecanmanipulateallformsofmagnetism,summonforcefieldsandshootelectromagneticpulsesthatcandisableelectronicdevices.Hecanassemblecomp...

Is Magneto's real name actually Max Eisenhardt?

2013年4月3日 — Magneto was born Max Eisenhardt sometime in the late 1920s to a middle class German Jewish family whose father, Jakob Eisenhardt, was a highly ...

Magneto (Marvel Comics)

Magneto (/mæɡˈniːtoʊ/; birth name: Max Eisenhardt; alias: Erik Lehnsherr and Magnus) is a character appearing in American comic books published ...

Magneto (Max Eisenhardt) In Comics Powers, Enemies ...

He can manipulate all forms of magnetism, summon force fields and shoot electromagnetic pulses that can disable electronic devices. He can assemble complex ...

Magneto (Max Eisenhardt) In Comics Profile

Max EisenhardtMagneto. Using his mighty ability to control magnetic fields, the one called Magneto fights to help mutants replace humans as the world's dominant ...

Magneto - Max Eisenhardt (Earth

Magneto led a Brotherhood of Mutants which included Storm, Havok, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, and Wolverine. He worked alongside Doctor Doom, Ultron, Namor, ...

Max Eisenhardt

2012年1月4日 — Max Eisenhardt 出生於一個軍人的家庭。就在他十多歲時二次大戰爆發,擁有以色列人血統的人馬上受到納粹黨的清洗,被囚禁到集中營中。或許是他潛藏的能力 ...

Max Eisenhardt (Earth-5700) - Marvel Database

History. At some point during his life, Magneto left Earth to travel through space. When he returned, Magneto united all the splintered mutant groups in order ...

Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616) - Marvel Database

Known by many names, Max Eisenhart, also most commonly known as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, is a powerful mutant willing to go to any extreme to protect his species ...

Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616)Gallery

Created Jack Kirby, he first appears in The Fantastic Four #48 in 1966. A young astronomer, Norrin saved his homeworld Zenn-La from Galactus by offering to ...


馬克斯·艾森哈特(Max Eisenhardt)出生在1920年代初期的一個猶太裔家庭中,在幼年時因為第二次世界大戰的爆發而和家人都被送進集中營裡受到殘酷的迫害,最後只有他一個人 ...

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